Author: Scott Froyen

  • Be a Christmas Buddy

    It’s Christmas movie week!  We have a list of our favorites that we watch every year, no doubt you do too.  I was curious about what would appear by doing an internet search for best Christmas movies.  Here’s the first list that appeared: It’s a Wonderful Life Die Hard A Christmas Carol Rudolph the Red-Nosed…

  • False Vax Prophets

    I really wanted to take the rest of this year off from research and writing.  It’s been exhausting trying to find truth is this year of widespread lies and deception.  But Nooooo!  Along comes a rapidly developed vaccine which seems just a little too good to be true.  I couldn’t resist looking into it.  Had…

  • Vision 2021

    Last week, in the spirit of hope for a brighter future, I asked you to envision what your year 2021 will be like.  Specifically, I invited you to ask God what His plan for your life is for the upcoming year.  And to view it as though it had already happened and you are looking…

  • Beyond Thanksgiving

    Remember way back at the start of this year when we all pledged to have our happier than happiest year ever in 2020?  It seemed like such a good idea at the time.  In hindsight, we couldn’t have picked a worse year to make happiness our aim.  I don’t know about you, but I am…

  • If I Were the Devil…

    There have been a lot of references recently to the George Orwell book 1984, originally published in 1949.  I remember thinking it was crazy talk back in high school.  Then I reread it in the mid-80’s and found it a little less unbelievable.  In the 90’s it was unfolding slowly right before my eyes.  It…

  • Wanted: Playground Saints

    By the authority vested in me through having written books including the terms saint and playground in their titles, I hereby declare 2021 to be the year of the Playground Saint. What is a playground saint?  A person who is actively striving to be the person God made them to be, while at the same…

  • Calling All Saints!

    We need help!  The world is a mess!  This country is a mess!  What are we going to do?  Who will rise up to save us?  Jesus already did.  His many followers have kept hope alive ever since.  Now it’s up to us.  Will we become the saints we are all meant to be? What…

  • Lost in a Masquerade

    Do you ever wake up in the morning singing a song from your past for no apparent reason?  Mine today was This Masquerade, written by Leon Russell and recorded by George Benson on his 1976 album Breezin’. I looked up the lyrics to see if there are meant to guide me in some direction.  The…

  • The Scaredy Side

    Question of the day – Do you sleep on the scaredy side of the bed?  What is the scaredy side you ask?  It’s the side that is closest to the bedroom door of course.  The side that would be attacked first by an intruder. Melanie and I learned about the scaredy side from our longest…

  • Wedding Bells

    Pop quiz – What is the most popular month for a wedding? I guessed June, but it is number 3.  September is number 2.  Surprisingly, October is number 1.  I’ve been noticing many wedding announcements and photos recently so I felt called to write about this topic some way. The first marriage related thought that…