Category: Uncategorized

  • To Serve Man

    I had a couple of revelations a while back on how to think and act our way to joy, even in those unavoidably tough times. And here they are.

  • The Devil Wants Us to Be Happy

    We are constantly being bombarded by messaging telling us what we need to do in order to be happy. But chasing worldly happiness is a distraction that won’t lead to the JOY of heaven.

  • The ABC’s to Daily Joy

    As it relates joy, there is one tactic I have found that always gives me an immediate sense of relief and joy. It is to focus only on what you can control. These are the ABC’s.

  • 3 Simple Strategies to Attaining Perpetual Joy

    Do you think God really put us here to be miserable? Of course not! Attain a lasting state of joy right now, today, immediately, by using 3 simple strategies.

  • Can You Come Out to Play?!

    Hey Friends, what are you planning to do in 2024? I’m going to the playground and hoping you will join me! In fact, I’m declaring 2024 to be the year of the Playground Saint. More on what that means in a bit. Of course my last such declaration was in 2020, designating the year to…

  • Beware The Thing!

    OMG, the Thing is still out there!  We remain in a perpetual state of emergency, nearly three years running.  Be afraid, be very afraid!  But of what exactly??? Remember the 1982 movie, The Thing?  Turns out The Thing was a scary alien that was able to inhabit any life form, morphing from one into another,…

  • A Comeback in the Making!

    I feel an epic comeback in the making.  The momentum is swinging back our way.  The opposition was so close to pulling off the biggest upset of all time.  But they got overconfident and started making careless mistakes.  Now they are getting nervous and desperate as they see their substantial lead slowly slipping away. Thankfully…

  • Resurrecting Sanity

    Well, after an 80 day walk in the wilderness, 40 is not enough for a mere mortal, I’m back.  My hope was that the world would have returned to some semblance of sanity by now.  No such luck.  In fact, the insanity has endured and escalated to the point where now, even if you get…

  • Keep the Faith

    I feel like we are in the middle of a James Bond movie.  Melanie and I watched all 24 of those movies over the last couple of months, starting with Dr. No (1962) and ending with Spectre (2015) last night.  Why?  We’d never seen them, they were a good distraction from our current reality, and…

  • The Playground is Open!

    Can you come out to play?  It’s a new year, time to get back out on the playground and have some fun.  As I said in a recent article, I’m declaring 2021 to be the year of the Playground Saint. What is a playground saint?  A person who is actively striving to be the person…