3 Simple Strategies to Attaining Perpetual Joy

It’s a new year, let’s ring it in with Joy! I woke up with a song in my head today. “I got the joy, joy, joy way down in my heart…” How appropriate!

Actually, I’m ringing in the new year with a recess bell. I’m remembering the feeling of that bell ringing and running out onto the playground with joy. And I’m wondering, how do I regain and maintain that feeling now as the grumpy old man that I’ve become?

Then I realize how easy it really is. And since it’s the beginning of this new year and you are no doubt busy recovering from the holidays, let’s make this short and simple. We’ll go into more detail as the year goes on, but truly, we can all attain a lasting state of joy right now, today, immediately, by using 3 simple strategies.

#1 – Accept the Gift of Joy

Wow, talk about simple, but it really is that easy. We are made for joy. Do you think God really put us here to be miserable? Of course not!

Remember the childhood game hide and seek? Here’s how I see it. We are “it” and seeking happiness. We catch it occasionally but it keeps getting back to home base first and we are still “it.” That’s because happiness is conditional and fleeting. Once we catch it our expectations rise and we’re chasing again.

A much better game is to make Joy “it” and let it catch us. Joy is unconditional and lasting, why wouldn’t we want that? Let’s stop running away from Joy in pursuit of happiness.

“Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Mark 10:15

Kingdom of God, heaven, eternal joy. Yes, let’s definitely accept the joy of the kingdom and allow it to catch us! Simple, right? But we humans don’t seem to like simple. We like to complicate things. We like to get in our own way. So since we think we’re so smart let’s do this too…

#2Think Our Way to Joy

Recognize God’s gifts to us. Be grateful for all the good in our lives. Have faith that everything will be okay. Don’t worry. Have no fear. I’ve heard it said many times that we are told not to worry 365 times in the Bible, once for every day. Apparently it’s a very important point, one we should obviously heed.

Worry is the kryptonite of joy, it is a joy killer. And I wonder, if I’m constantly worrying about the future, do I really have faith? Do I really believe? I think the answer is obvious.

Here’s my reminder to myself when I’m not feeling the joy: My Joy is a reflection of my Faith. My level of joy is equal to the level of my faith. Let’s think about that, and then…

#3 – Act Our Way to Joy

Our joy is our gift back to God. It shows that we have faith in Him. It shows that we love Him.

And how does He want us to act? He wants us to be good and do good. He wants us to follow the rules He gave us for our own good. And He wants us to use our God-given talents in service to each other.

Being good and doing good also happens to be fun which in turn brings us joy. Think about it, when we were being good and playing nice on the playground we were having fun and were joyful.

And the funny thing about acting joyful, even in trying times, is that it brings us joy. It’s like when we smile we just feel better, no matter what is going on. Try it. It is impossible to smile and feel bad at the same time.

So fake it if you have to. Act joyful and you will become joyful. And maybe most importantly, you will bring joy to others.

The Recess Bell is Ringing!! Get out there and be the Joy you want to see in the world!


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